
Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ section is a growing section and we try our best to keep updating it as frequently as possible. Please check back regularly to see common questions answered or contact us or reach out to our support team for further assistance.

What is PayBeeᵀᴹ?

PayBeeᵀᴹ is fresh and just like any Beehive, the swarm will grow as more and more users join. Our platform is ever evolving and we are adapting to changes, so that we can provide our worker bees (that's you) with the best possible services and solutions at affordable prices.

How does PayBeeᵀᴹ work?

PayBeeᵀᴹ has been designed to be a intuitive and user-friendly as possible with clear user-prompts throughout each process. Simply follow the relevant prompts and you will be well on your way to being part of the digital economy. Whatsmore, if you are at a supported merchant location and you see the pay with PayBeeᵀᴹ sign, simply scan the QR Code from your app, enter the payment amount and confirm the transaction and the payment will be processed instantly if your account is in credit.

Is PayBeeᵀᴹ secure?

Yes, PayBeeᵀᴹ incorporates advanced security measures to protect your payment information. It utilizes encryption protocols and secure authentication methods to ensure the safety of your transactions.

Can I use PayBeeᵀᴹ for online purchases?

PayBeeᵀᴹ is primarily designed for in-person transactions at physical stores. However, some online merchants may also support PayBeeᵀᴹas a payment option if they are a merchant. If you have a Virtual Card, you should be able to pay for your purchases online using the card information provided by your Virtual Card.

Which mobile devices are compatible with PayBeeᵀᴹ?

QRPay is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. Simply download the QRPay app from the respective app stores and follow the setup instructions.

Are there any transaction limits with PayBeeᵀᴹ?

Transaction limits may vary. Some merchants or banks may impose transaction limits to ensure security.

What should I do if I encounter issues with PayBeeᵀᴹ during a transaction?

If you experience any issues or have questions about PayBeeᵀᴹ, please contact our customer support team. They will be happy to assist you and resolve any concerns promptly.

Is PayBeeᵀᴹ available internationally?

PayBeeᵀᴹ availability may vary by region. While it is widely adopted in many countries, it’s recommended to check with your local merchants to confirm if PayBeeᵀᴹ is supported in your location.

Can I view transaction history and receipts in PayBeeᵀᴹ?

Yes, PayBeeᵀᴹ provides a transaction history feature where you can view details of your past transactions, including dates, amounts, and merchant information. You can also generate digital receipts for your records.